/Positive Side TV

Positive Side TV

The Positive Side motto has been the same since inception: “Think Positive, be Positive and help motivate other to do the same.”

With that said, we have come up with an exciting show to showcase that sentiment and show the world Positivity does exist.

The Positive Side show will do just that. We will give everyone the opportunity to nominate indivuals and businesses that display positivity and help others. You can nominate your choice on the website and during one of the shows, you can find out if your nominee will be chosen that week for their award. It will be a surprise to the winner if chosen and we plan on surprising them with your help at work or home.

The Positive Side will provide cash and prizes during the show and will reward everyone involved.

If you would like more information or would like to help and get involved please email: info@thepositiveside.org

Thank you David Jacobs Founder